Every being contributing to the creation, sharing, and awarenessgiving cycle of our project is part of our tribe – including you! We collaborate with a small village garment manufacture, various handloom fabric weavers, and a few other conscious artisans from SriLanka and Nepal.
Garment Team


Our Mission
We provide a way for artisans to share their handcrafted goods directly with you, bypassing countless middlemen and companies in between. Most artisans or small manufactures can not overcome the hurdles of bureaucracy it takes to make direct exports or to find any direct buyers. Our mission is to help exactly those by buying their handcrafted products to fair trade standards and beyond, managing the export process, or helping them learn to export themselves, which is less work for us and valuable know-how for them.
What Moves Us?
– What goes around comes back around –
What moves us is harvesting what we plant and that is: sharing, caring and supporting each other without binding conditions to it. A tribe like community of artisans where every one can thrive and benefit from each other. This describes our motivation at its best. We heartily invite you to explore more about our tribe and see how we live our values by checking out our blog.

Greed for profit is lost trust in the good-natured and harmonic
movement of life, which always surrounds us with what we emit
over time.
– Raffael (founder)